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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Scientific Sunday#2- Sound Waves

Sound Waves

Have you ever wondered how noise-canceling Headphones works, or why and how the sky of the Earth during mid-day is blue but orange red during dawn and dusk?Today I will be writing about everything I know about sound and light waves.

What is a wave?
A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy through a medium of interacting particles. This oscillating pattern carries energy from place to place without moving matter itself. There are many kind of waves- sound waves, light waves, electromagnet waves.

 Waves move energy in a ripple effect, like how the more energy and in a faster phase you transfer to a water surface, the higher and closer each wave will be.
The same principle applies to small ripples in a pond and to devastating tsunamis.

Sound wave moves in pattern similar to ripple

Noise-Cancelling Headphones
Unlike solid objects, waves- which move energy, can actually move through each other. There are two important types of results when two waves move pass each other. The first one is if two waves move in the same direction and share the same frequency, the result will be additive- a new wave that combines the amplitude of the first two, still moving in one direction, at the original frequency.

But if the waves' peaks line up, the combination will result in a new, higher wave.
On the other hand, the first wave’s peaks line up with the other’s, the two wave patterns will cancel each other out. Sounds strange right? There had been two wave patterns, but there will now be none. This is called destructive interference.

So now do you get a brief idea of how a noise-cancelling headphone works? I used to think that what it does is just to cover our ear completely and hence there will be no sound travelling into our ears. And turns out I was very wrong. The headphone's active noise control systems work by generating a sound wave that is the mirror image of the offending sound wave. This wave has the same frequency and direction but opposite crests and valleys and is out of phase with the first sound wave. The result, is minimum sound blasting into your ear.

An amazing and clever idea right? Active noise control is usually used in such application as airplane cabin, air conditioning duct, and wore by pilots, not only to cancel deafening engine noise, but also allow pilots to communicate. Can you think of other product that applies the active noise system?

Next week I will be writing about light waves, a more complicated type of wave, but I will try my best to explain how it works and why is it useful to us.

Thanks for reading


  1. Something new again!! But I have to read it several times to fully understand, and am still quite blur.
