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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Historical Saturday#2- Top 10 Historical Tortures?!

Top 10 Historical Tortures

Hello fellow viewers, welcome back to more Historical Saturday’s top facts and trending. I’m sure all of us most in school, when given an absurd amount of homework will say that it is a torture device. Well today, we are going to change your mind and make that statement obsolete.

Today, we are going to look at one of history’s most brutal acts. I hope your mind is able to handle the torture that is to come!!! J. To clear all the formalities, let’s get started with the gruesome and unforgiving history of torture devices.

Torture has been used throughout the reign of mankind. It was present since the Romans, Jews, Egyptians and perhaps the most famous Medieval Era. Though the act or process is not enough, the devices and tactics that are used will shock you. Although, you must understand that it was considered necessary for punishments during that time.

Now, let the least to the most gruesome acts of torture roll.

10) The Republican Marriage

This act of torture/ execution was used during the 1800’s, in France. This was another method of torture/ execution used by the French instead of being burnt at the stake, possibly it had a less messy outcome. This act of torture was implemented by Jean- Baptiste Carrier during the french Revolution. This involved between two or more individuals, both men and female. The men and female would be stripped naked and then thrown into the icy waters to drown. If water was not available, the soldiers would pierce them with their swords. This was the choice of execution used to get rid of both monks and nuns.

9) The Brazen Bull

The Brazen Bull, or also known as the Sicilian Bull was designed in ancient Greece. Perillos of Athens invented it and its main purpose was executing criminals. The Brazen bull was equivalent to an actual size of a bull made up of bronze. A side door was implemented to throw the person in, and once heated, the metal would become yellow. The person inside will slowly roast to death while screaming in incomprehensible pain. The design of the bull was designed to make the screams louder and make it sound like a bull.

8) The Judas Cradle

The Judas Cradle was certainly not a painless torture device during medieval times. The victim would be tied above the sharp tip of the pyramid/ prism over a seat. The sharp end is placed inside the victim’s bottom and if the victim tried to move, the pain would increase. The torture could last a few days, and if the needle didn’t kill the victim, the infection would.

7) The Iron Maiden

The Iron Maiden was a torture device that had spikes strategically placed all over the interior and was placed at the main organs. The size of the device was as big as a cabinet, and was adequate to store a human inside it. It was as painful as the description sounds, but surprisingly the spikes were short and the injuries received would not be instant fatality. To add more horror, there were two spikes directly placed at the victim’s eyes! Do not try this at home.

6) The Rack

The Rack, another monstrosity of torture devices back in medieval Europe. It was specifically used to break every joint and bone in your body. The victim’s hands and legs were tied apart from each other at the handles, and once ready, the torture began. The interrogators would then pull the handle and push the victims flexibility to the limit. This would happen until all the limbs of the victim were torn off.

5) Cement Shoes

The cement shoes were surprisingly invented during the American Mafia era. The Mafia gang members usually used this tactic when executing traitors, enemies or spies. They placed the victims feet inside cinder blocks and fill them with wet cement. Once the cement dried on to the victim’s feet, the victim would then be thrown into the river or sea and left to drown.

4) Spanish Donkey

The Spanish donkey was told to be one of the most torturous and most gruesome in Spain. The victim will be stripped naked and would have his legs apart, like on top of a donkey. The torturer would then place weights on to the victim’s feet until the body is sliced through the surface.

3) Crucifixion

This torture has since been famous ever since Jesus Christ was crucified. It has been told and repeated to how painful to watch and experience it.  This method of torture is slow and painful, as there were nails nailed on to the palm of their hands and legs. The victim would then be hung up on a cross and placed there till they bled to death.

2) Saw Torture

This method of torture places the victim to be hung upside down, and legs tied to the top of the supporting beam. The reason why the person is hung upside down is so that blood rushes down to their head to be conscious. Once ready, the torturers would then begin to saw through the person’s body, and most victims only survive to the abdomen.

 1) Rat torture

Perhaps to be one of the most disgusting methods of torturers I have ever seen. The torturers would trap the rat in a cage on top of the victim’s body along with one side open. If this were not gruesome enough, there would be a heating element used to force the rats to escape from the bearing heat. So, the only way to do that is to dig a hole into the person’s body. This is possibly anyone’s worst nightmare to dream about.

So what is the most gruesome one in the top 10 list?

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. I cringed while going through the whole post. Too gruesome!!
