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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Android VS. iOS: The Battle Of The Operating Systems!!! + Vox Pops

Android VS iOS

There has always been this long-term rivalry between the 2 most popular operating systems- Android and iOS... Many people also have difficulties choosing between the two.
Today, we will give you all the information (advantages and disadvantages) you need so that YOU can make this tough decision.
Let the games begin!


Android is a Linux-based operating system currently developed by Google and is compatible with most smart phones and tablets.

  • Can run on multiple platforms thanks to its SDK (Software Developer Kit)
  • Offers a more customizable UI (User Interface)
  • Cheaper Apps
  • Since it runs on multiple platforms, it will be easier to choose a more thrifty device and it will have no difference from the more expensive one
  • The option of installing apps from other sources


  • Easily overheated
  • Some apps are without quality since it is cheaper to publish apps on the Google Play Store
  • Might hang
  • Every Android phone might have a different setup, making it harder to find certain options
  • Large apps are sometimes forced to close down
The Android SDK!!!
This is a Samsung GalaxyS5 overheating, notice that it forces you to close the app too...


iOS is a mobile operating system created by Apple and is compatible with ALL of Apple's mobile products.


  • Consistent interface/user experience
  • Easy-to-use
  • Strong security
  • Many quality apps on the App Store
  • Can multitask better


  • Expensive devices
  • Paid apps are more expensive on the App Store compared to those on the Google Play Store
  • Requires users to jailbreak for customization
  • Only supports Apple products
  • No offline map support
The easy-to-use iOS UI, this is a comparison of the iOS 8 and 9 UIs
Apple can deny warranty of jailbroken devices 

With that said, let's get to the people's opinions! (Vox Pops)

1. Joshua Long

"I personally prefer Android as there are more themes available and I can customize my phone to my content. Furthermore, Google Play Store apps are mostly free, who doesn't like free apps, right?"

2. Chong Jinn Xiung
"iOS is my selected operating system of choice. The operating system is designed specifically for Apple devices and works best with them. iOS also gets system updates yearly that keep older devices up to par with the latest. It is also more secure than Android with lower chances of malfunction and viruses affecting it. It is my preferred system as I like the wide variety of apps available, it suits my needs and it offer more customization."

"I firmly believe that iOS is the superior system as it is cleaner, more efficient and has all the apps I LOVE!"

3. Mr. Hooi

"To me, both systems has its pros and cons . Lets start with IOS, IOS is designed by Apple and only used by their devices, so it can operate and run smoothly without having to deal with any problems like crashes and lagging, which are very annoying if you are rushing to reply someone. IOS also comes with everything you will probably need for your daily tasks, like notes, maps, stocks, a compass, weather reports, calculator etc. The latest update even comes with garageband and apps that you can write your presentations on. But IOS lacks flexibility and excitement, it's like it has laws you must obey. You cannot customise your phone so that it differ from others, you also cannot download things from the internet. 

On the other hand, Android gives you the freedom to do anything you like to your own phone. If you don't like the look of your launcher, you can find wide varieties of different launchers on the internet and download the one you like. You can do whatever you like, instead of just using the original settings it gave you. Basically, Android has everything that IOS has, but IOS doesn't has everything Android has. But the freedom comes with a price, Android overheats fast, and you often experience lags and crashes. 

One other important point is budget, with the price of one iPhone you can buy three Android phones. Some even say Apple devices are unnecessarily expensive. Why spend so much more money when you can get a smartphone that can do even more work with a cheaper price. Maybe some people just like the simple look of IOS and don't want to deal with other problems. 

So in conclusion, if you want a phone that lasts longer, run smoother and does all the needed work, then you would want an IOS device. If you want a phone that is cheaper, looks and works the way you want it to, then you would want to want to buy an Android device."



  1. Sachin Vijaya KumarJuly 30, 2015 at 5:04 PM

    Yes. It's true. Android and iOS has its own pros and cons like what Mr Jonathan Hooi said. I like Android and iOS and I always wish to have both OS in my hands but unfortunately iPhone is overpriced and I'm unable to buy it. If Apple devices was as reasonable as Android, I would have own an iPhone as well. My favorite feature of iOS is Siri as I always play with it on Kai Boon's phone. In conclusion, both OS are awesome on its own... :)
