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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Historical Saturday's #5- The Dog Whisperer


Hello again fellow viewers of Big Time Data, welcome back for another exclusive of Historical Saturday’s. Today we are going to look into one of the most well known people on Earth.

He is not any ordinary person and no matter how many times he does he never seizes to impress. Let’s give applause to Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer!!! Well, I guess the title gave it away.

Cesar Millan has become a best friend towards dogs, especially the naughty, rude and untrained.  Cesar has established a reputation through his show called The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. Cesar Millan on every of his episodes always say’s that “No dog is too hard for him to handle.” And he lives up to his word.

So what is the mystery behind the Dog Whisperer? Who is he? Where does he come from? Well that will all be explained soon.

(Look who’s in the spotlight?)


(What a happy family)
Cesar Millan was born on August 27th 1969 in a city called Culiacan in the northwest part of Mexico. Cesar grew up with his parents, and they were into the farming workforce. His family was poor and Cesar lived his childhood cut off from the latest technology/ entertainment.

Man sure feels hard and the worst part tempting, but it all comes down to good us. Which of course Cesar chose other ways to entertain himself. This would lead to his personality today, good job man.

Cesar Millan’s grandfather was a Campesino (farm worker) who looked after the animals in the farm. Cesar said that he loved to watch the animals in the farm doing their jobs, especially the dogs. He started to realize something about the dog’s personality. Cesar made a bold statement to himself saying that dogs don’t need training they just needed to respect their owners and a natural leader.

Millan first got his lesson about dogs from the dogs that he owned. He watched their behavior, appearance, actions and many prospects about them. Having no knowledge to any information about the biology of canine, he observed how his grandfather controlled them.
After careful observation, Cesar managed to control the dogs himself.

Pursuing Dreams

Cesar Millan’s family then moved to the city of Culiacan, where his father got a job as an official government photographer. They earned a TV set along the years and Cesar spent it wisely by watching shows to become a dog trainer. He then became a local vet doing the low class jobs, such as cleaning. The staff at the place called him “ El Perrero” The Dog Boy.

At the age of 21, Cesar decided it was time to cross the border to America, and by that he meant illegally. Well, it was all for the greater good of pursuing his dreams on becoming a dog trainer. It was a perilous journey and risk he made, the consequence was that he had to spend hours in a water hole, avoiding patrols. Though he managed to successfully cross the border.
He managed to find a job in San Diego, working in a grooming parlor. He soon built a reputation about curing dog behavior problems. Even with his building reputation, he had no formal dog training. Cesar’s name was spread after he helped actor Will Smith with his dog’s behavior. This was a miracle for him as he was recommended to many people and celebrities, and from then on his fame was sealed.

(Can you imagine doing that?)
 Cesar’s Way

(This Cesar not the other one!!!)

Cesar has his own unique way on training dogs, and it is not only just basic commands. Cesar claims that he transforms the badly behaved dogs’ and re-trains their owners. Now enough talk bout this and lets dive into how he does it.

He teaches owners the importance of strong leadership, how to stand tall and confidence. He claims that there are no short cuts to this process, though he often cures dogs’ bad behavior in a short space of time. Cesar also insists that owners should never get physical with their dogs and to always teach the Alpha Roll and choke collars.

Cesar stated that he does believe that dogs should be trained to day-to-day basis. This is to prevent unusual behavior, and of course to keep the dog fit and healthy.

As stated earlier about dogs having a natural leader and respect of their owners, Cesar uses this proven effective method. In my opinion it is a brilliant idea, as it greatly relates to the saying “Dogs Man’s best friend” it sounds so simple. Well to me it is really like making friends with other human beings today. Though Cesar has already said that dog’s psychology is different from humans.


Cesar Millan is a friend to every dog and is a good man to begin with. He is a good role model to follow and has great thinking skills. Thanks for all the helpful advice Cesar.

(Thanks A Lot )

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